Tick Tick Bloom: Harmful Algal Bloom Detection Challenge

Harmful algal blooms occur all around the world, and can harm people, their pets, and marine life. Use satellite imagery to detect dangerous concentrations of cyanobacteria, and help protect public health! #climate

$30,000 in prizes
Completed feb 2023
1,377 joined

Open data

Good news! The dataset from this challenge has been approved for sharing for ongoing learning and development. The data are available to use outside of the challenge with attribution.

The cyanobacteria density dataset provided to participants is available through the SeaBASS data archive. The archive includes:

  1. A .tgz TAR file with dataset documentation in PDF format
  2. A folder called archive, which contains the full challenge data in .sb format

See the SeaBASS website for instructions on working with TAR files and .sb files. For additional information about the data, see the Problem description page.

If you publish your work, please cite the challenge data and SeaBASS.

S. Gupta, E. Gelbart, R. Gupta, K. Wetstone, and E. Dorne (2024). Cyanobacteria Aggregated Manual Labels Dataset (NASA and DrivenData). SeaBASS. http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/SeaBASS/CAML/DATA001

Please note that we won't be able to field questions about the data, but we wanted to share it here for the benefit of the community. If you have a question, feel free to post it to the forum.

Access the data:

SeaBASS archive

Explore the data in the GEE community catalog