America's Next Top (Statistical) Model

US presidential elections come but once every 4 years, and this one's a big one. There are lots of people trying to predict what will happen. Can you top them? #civic

$1,000 in prizes
nov 2016
150 joined


US presidential elections come but once every 4 years, and this one's a big one. The new president will help shape policies on education, healthcare, energy, the environment, international relations, aid, and more. There are lots of people trying to predict what will happen. Can you top them?

In this challenge, you'll predict the percent of each state that will vote for each candidate. You can use any data you can get your hands on. Come election night, we'll see who's model had the best vision for the country!

2016 Predictions Due By:

Nov. 8, 2016, 10 a.m. UTC

Place Prize Amount
1st $750
2nd $250

Prize generously supplied by our friends at Civis Analytics.

Phase I: The Buildup

Through November 7th

Assemble your data and build your model. Submit your final predictions by the start of Election Day. During this time you can see how well your models score against the past election.

Phase II: Election Day

November 8th

Watch with bated breath as the results roll in. We'll update scores throughout the counting period to show the current leaders. When all votes are counted, we'll see whose projections came closest to what really happened.