Pump it Up: Data Mining the Water Table

Can you predict which water pumps are faulty to promote access to clean, potable water across Tanzania? This is an intermediate-level practice competition. #development

intermediate practice
11 months left
17,288 joined

Problem description

This is where you'll find all of the documentation about this dataset and the problem we are trying to solve.

The features in this dataset

Your goal is to predict the operating condition of a waterpoint for each record in the dataset. You are provided the following set of information about the waterpoints:

  • amount_tsh - Total static head (amount water available to waterpoint)
  • date_recorded - The date the row was entered
  • funder - Who funded the well
  • gps_height - Altitude of the well
  • installer - Organization that installed the well
  • longitude - GPS coordinate
  • latitude - GPS coordinate
  • wpt_name - Name of the waterpoint if there is one
  • num_private -
  • basin - Geographic water basin
  • subvillage - Geographic location
  • region - Geographic location
  • region_code - Geographic location (coded)
  • district_code - Geographic location (coded)
  • lga - Geographic location
  • ward - Geographic location
  • population - Population around the well
  • public_meeting - True/False
  • recorded_by - Group entering this row of data
  • scheme_management - Who operates the waterpoint
  • scheme_name - Who operates the waterpoint
  • permit - If the waterpoint is permitted
  • construction_year - Year the waterpoint was constructed
  • extraction_type - The kind of extraction the waterpoint uses
  • extraction_type_group - The kind of extraction the waterpoint uses
  • extraction_type_class - The kind of extraction the waterpoint uses
  • management - How the waterpoint is managed
  • management_group - How the waterpoint is managed
  • payment - What the water costs
  • payment_type - What the water costs
  • water_quality - The quality of the water
  • quality_group - The quality of the water
  • quantity - The quantity of water
  • quantity_group - The quantity of water
  • source - The source of the water
  • source_type - The source of the water
  • source_class - The source of the water
  • waterpoint_type - The kind of waterpoint
  • waterpoint_type_group - The kind of waterpoint

Feature data example

For example, a single row in the dataset might have these values:

amount_tsh 300.0
date_recorded 2013-02-26
funder Germany Republi
gps_height 1335
installer CES
longitude 37.2029845
latitude -3.22870286
wpt_name Kwaa Hassan Ismail
num_private 0
basin Pangani
subvillage Bwani
region Kilimanjaro
region_code 3
district_code 5
lga Hai
ward Machame Uroki
population 25
public_meeting True
recorded_by GeoData Consultants Ltd
scheme_management Water Board
scheme_name Uroki-Bomang'ombe water sup
permit True
construction_year 1995
extraction_type gravity
extraction_type_group gravity
extraction_type_class gravity
management water board
management_group user-group
payment other
payment_type other
water_quality soft
quality_group good
quantity enough
quantity_group enough
source spring
source_type spring
source_class groundwater
waterpoint_type communal standpipe
waterpoint_type_group communal standpipe

The labels in this dataset

The labels in this dataset are simple. There are three possible values:

  • functional - the waterpoint is operational and there are no repairs needed
  • functional needs repair - the waterpoint is operational, but needs repairs
  • non functional - the waterpoint is not operational

Submission format

The format for the submission file is simply the row id and the predicted label (for an example, see SubmissionFormat.csv on the data download page).

For example, if you just predicted that all the waterpoints were functional you would have the following predictions:
id status_group
50785 functional
51630 functional
17168 functional
45559 functional
49871 functional

Your .csv file that you submit would look like:


Good luck!

Good luck and enjoy this problem! If you have any questions you can always visit the user forum!