Where's Whale-do?

Help the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), NOAA Fisheries, and Wild Me accurately identify endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales from photographic imagery. Scalable photo-identification of individuals is critical to population assessment, management, and protection for these endangered whales. #climate

$35,000 in prizes
jun 2022
443 joined

Open Data

Good news! The project team from this competition has made the challenge data available for ongoing use, practice and learning. This data will be maintained by the project team and released at their discretion.

For additional information about the data, see the Problem Description page.

Please note that we won't be able to field questions about the data, but we wanted to share it here for the benefit of the community. If you have a question, feel free to post it to the forum.

Access the data: Beluga ID 2022